Classics in the Graphic Novel

Since 2019, the project Classics in the Graphic Novel: A pilot model of new high school culture education through graphic novels has been developed. The project is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Three European partners –  Slovenian Theatre Institute, Ljubljana, Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute, Warsaw and Slovakian Theatre Institute, from Bratislava – have selected three European drama classics: King UBU, Romeo and Juliet and Antigone.

Three visual artists, graphic novel authors in collaboration with students from three high schools are transferring these canon texts into graphic novels. Pencils sketches of the books are about to be finished. First national versions will be published by the end of this year. Each drama-graphic novel will be available in Slovene, Polish and Slovak language by 2023.

Based on the developed graphic novels and together with artists, students and teachers will work on a pilot model of innovative cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary culture and art education in high school. The theatre heritage and history of staging of selected dramas in partner countries will be presented to the international stage with an e-exhibition.

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