The Forum for the Future of Culture 2023 in Prague

A conference on the artistic, social, economic and political possibilities of culture, especially theatre, will take place at the Pod Palmovkou Theatre in Prague. The second edition of the Forum for the Future of Culture will take place on 12 December 2023.

Ideological stereotypes and (value-free) pragmatism: is it far? The second edition of the Forum on the Future of Culture will continue the debate on the artistic, social and political functions of theatre. In the individual discussion blocks the conference will look at public cultural institutions through the prism of governance, care, social care or ideological stereotypes related to concepts such as “East/West” or “cultural superpowers”. Czech and international guests will also discuss different approaches to the concept of national institutions in a globalised and multicultural reality and open the PalmForum to all who wish to share their thoughts on the above topics.

The Forum for the Future of Culture is a safe space to create a vision of an open, diverse and inclusive culture that responds to the challenges of the 21st century. The Forum was initiated in 2017 by Warsaw’s Teatr Powszechny theatre in response to growing efforts to centralise culture by the apparatus of the nation state. Since 2022, the event has expanded beyond the borders of Poland, and its Czech part is co-organised by Prague’s Pod Palmovkou Theatre together with the Arts and Theatre Institute. The second edition of the Forum will take place on 12 December and is implemented with the financial participation of the EU through the Czech Recovery Plan, the Ministry of Culture Czech Republic and Prague City Council.

Read more HERE (CZ only)